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Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions – especially when a couple seems as well matched as Randolph Pierce, Earl of Falloden, and his bride-to-be, Eleanor Transome. Elli brings to the marriage a vast dowry. while Falloden, though distant, is handsome, tremendously desirable, and possessed of a title most young ladies can only dream of sharing.

Yet Ellie is not most young lades. She knows that she must honor her dear father’s dying wish for her to wed the proud earl, but she dreads a lifetime in a union without love – and how can Falloden claim to love her when he married her only for her fortune? As Christmas descends upon the Falloden manor, the warmth of the season may yet melt away the trappings of duty and wealth, leaving behind only a man and a woman destined for each other’s arms.

Mary Balogh is among the most celebrated authors of historical romance according to the New York Times. “A Christmas Promise” is a perfect example of why that is the case. This story is set during a time when women came with a dowry when entering marriage and a promise made was a promise kept, no matter how much it broke your heart.

I am not an expert in history but I have read many books and learned enough during my lifetime to feel as if this is an accurate and realistic depiction of life during this era.

Balogh uses inner turmoil to its fullest extent which is the heart of this book. A woman of grace and honor is torn between what is right and what she wants.  A man is confused by what he has always been and what he is becoming. Confusion and misunderstandings add fuel to the fire of turmoil. The love, tragedy, confusion, and loyalty are vividly portrayed. The character are well-rounded and act appropriately for the time period. I wanted to jump into the book and have a look around myself. I really enjoyed this book.

This is the first book I have read by Mary Balogh and I look forward to reading more of her work. Her previous book, “A Secret Affair” is now on my ‘To Read’ list.

Have you read “A Christmas Promise” by Mary Balogh? Have you read her other novels? What are you opinions? Please leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.